Friday 29 November 2013

Right Resolution/feedback HUD :Lara:


Unit movement update

Each unit needs to have its own target
Each target has to be unique to the cloned unit that is created
When a unit(clone) is created its instanced targetFlag has to be created as well
This targetFlag needs to be centred on the unit gameObject to stop it moving to its target when it is first created from the building.
Cannot have the targetFlag nested in the units gameObject
When a unit is currently selected cursor needs to change to move cursorState
When currentlySelected and the player right clicks the targetFlag for that unit should be set to that point on the A* grid

Testing new textures in unity


Asset List

Still more to be added but here is the start of a finalized asset list.

Character Gantt Charts

Latest version of the character gantt charts for character creation and animation, thanks to Dan for sharing the layout from his charts.

Fixed bugs

I addressed the issue of bugs being in my models.


Separate object tooth.

Wolf Spawn with separate roof. 

Wolf Spawn with blank behind

Archway inc. Wolf Head

Unity Multiple Units creation with final models

Reference for the surround environment of the arena

Cell shading test in unity with textures and final wolf models

This is a test to see how the cell shaded effect looks on the final wolf models in unity. Using these screenshots we will decide if having a cell shaded effect on the characters is the best way forward.

Rig progress (darren)

Here is a quick post showing a bit more of the progress of the rig. The main added feature is the ability to control the feet and lower leg areas by control curves and to be able to pose the feat with a foot role. There is also the ability to pose out the knees from side to side if needed. While these things aren't necessarily needed I have decided to include them on the basis that I don't have the experience to generate a rig without including them as I am reliant on tutorials. Below are a the progression images and an image of a dog skeleton that I used to figure out the placement of the leg joints, how many I may need and possible naming conventions.

Thursday 28 November 2013