Friday 1 November 2013

Rough Ground Texture

I messed around with creating mud, I cam up with this, it's something rough I thought I could post up for people to see.

Maps interface

Our plan for the GUI is for it to be made into a interactive map such as you see in Star Wars Battlefront/ Mass Effect where you have a map of the galaxy and planets dotted to where you can go, we thought this will be a good way of making the switching between planets easier.

I have tried to import a model from Maya into Unity to try and make a button out of it, I have been unable to do so but I am going to continue to try and work on it. 

Thursday 31 October 2013

Turnaround Sheets Melee, Ranged, Heavy :Lara:

A* Pathfinding Test

This is an initial test showing progress with A* pathfinding
Things to note

  • This is a way point system that uses nodes to generate a grid of where the players units can move
  • Good pathfinding when the target destination is being changed often and quickly

Refining the original Level Design

Adjustments have been made to the level layout to accommodate having 3 control points.
This makes it more uneven and gives the players something to fight for
Layout has been adjusted to make it less symmetrical in appearance
The middle lane has been widened to provide more space for the central control point
Each control point now has multiple path towards it creating more conflict
Ramps are better positioned for flanking now

Level Design Reference

This is a collection of references used to study the flow on smaller 1v1 maps and maps that are based around a control point game mode.

melee mech low poly model progress (darren)

Here is a quick post showing the progress of the melee mech model which I've been tasked to build. Overall the model looks okay and there are clear indications that this isn't something I'm entirely skilled at but the design is starting to come through a bit and hopefull when completed it will fit the      2-D design better.

front,back and side of mech body and difficult areas (darren)

Here is a quick post to show the progress on one of the mech orthographies and some of the difficult areas to model in the design. These are relatively done but need a bit of cleaning up so that all sections of the design perfectly match up from the different angles.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Turnaround Wolf Concept :Lara:

1st Draft Project Outline

This is a rough outline of jobs and roles that will need to be undertaken throughout the majority of this project. This so we can try and equally delegate jobs, progression of this will be a rough gantt chart so that people always have something to do .

....Mechs - Darren
.... Monsters - Lara
....Mechs - Darren
....Monster - Ollie
....Mechs - Rich
....Monster - Matt
....Mechs - Darren
....Monster - Maybe Darren(Depends how animation goes on mech)
....Mech: Matt
....Monster: Lara

....Concepts - Ollie
....Level Design: Rich & Ollie
....Modelling: Will likely involve everyone doing bits an pieces
....Texturing: see above

In Engine:
....Game Mechanics - Rich
....Textures/Shaders - Ollie
....Lighting - Lara
....Sound - Potentially Matt
....GUI Implementation - Matt
....Asset Implementation - Rich
....Particle Systems - Will be decided around second semester, very much a window dressing job

GUI Design
....Layout: Matt
....Designs/Images: Lara

Monday 28 October 2013

Level flow

The 2 main ideas for game mode

1 - Destroy the other players base
  • 2 control points provide resources
  • Resources are also gained by killing enemy units
  • Game ends when the a base is destroyed
2 - Conquest sort of game mode e.g battlefield, star wars battlefront 
  • 4 control points 
  • Each team has a certain number of tickets
  • the player runs down the opposing players tickets by capturing points and killing enemy units

Basic overview 

Defining mech shapes (darren)

Here is a quick post showing the different shapes I am considering for each of the mech classes to better diversify them from each other and make them easier to understand for players.

Gameplay Idea (darren)

Here is a quick post outlining a game play idea that I explored over the weekend to possibly solve the issue we are currently having with our gameflow.

Aim of Game

Each base has a cannon that in three shots destroys the other base but requires ammo to be placed for them to work.

Near each base is an undergroud passage that leads to ammo dispensers that make ammo available for each base every 10 seconds.

In the centre is an elevator which transports the ammo to the top level where the bases are which once used re activates every 5 seconds.

Once ammo has been sent up the player collects the ammo and takes it to their base for the cannon to fire.

Sunday 27 October 2013

possible Light, ranged and Melee signs or Exaggerate? :Lara:

In case the armour doesn't make it clear enough for the player to distinguish light, ranged and the heavy clothed monster, these signs would appear above the character to tell what they are.
An alternative would be to exaggerate a weapon or part of armour to make the versions a bit more distinctive. is has yet to be discussed thoroughly.