Saturday 5 October 2013

Started some environmental concepts for an aztec style level

Possible Yu-Gi-Oh references :Lara:

We have been thinking of maybe using the yu-gi-oh monster designs as a guideline for an artstyle since they are fairly easy to adapt to yet have unique designs and would work quite well in a game.

Old Designs :Lara:

Here are some old design from the past I would like my teammembers to see and tell me if there is anything useful in here they would want me to use for this project.

some Initial conecept arts :Lara:

Some initial monster designs as a bit of a warm-up. At the moment we are thinking of maybe sticking to the Yu-gi-oh monster style which means that the monster will probably have armour, weapons and more unique features in general. for now I stuck to canines and dragons really but we will spread the type of monsters a little further as we research.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Outline for project


A side scrolling RTS which has 2 teams battle each other with the hope of destroying the other player’s base. The player can produce 3 different unit types from their base and command them to win the battle. Units are produced with points which are collected by destroying enemy units. One team has monsters and the other team has mechs themed on the environment based in a place in time, e.g. Mayan/Aztec, Greek s or Egyptians

Game play mechanics

  • There are 3 unit types the player can produce; heavy, light and melee.
  • The combat mechanics are based on a rock, paper, scissors formula or a combat triangle
  • Units can be produced at each team’s base by spending points
  • Points are collected by destroying enemy units or by controlling the control point in the centre of the map
  • Player can direct each unit individually across the map and put them into tactical positions
  • Some objects can provide cover to units which gives a defensive buff
  • The players can further interact by using special abilities in the battle
  • These abilities unlock over the time, more powerful abilities take longer to unlock
  • Examples of ability include a lightning bolt, force field, dropping cover on the map, large AOE cannon

Level Design/Environments

There are 3 sections to each level and each level is based around a different theme.
Level theme ideas
  • Mayan/Aztec
    • Section 1 progress through the jungle
    • Section 2 City outskirts
    • Section 3 centre of city, big temples
  • Egyptian
    • Section 1 desert
    • Section 2 Sphinx
    • Section 3 Grand temples by the Nile
  • Greek
    • Section 1 Mountain pass
    • Section 2 Greek village
    • Section 3 Greek city/port
  • Native American
    • Section 1 Great Plains
    • Section 2 Black mountains
    • Section 3 Native American village/tepee camp