Friday 2 May 2014

Texturing assets






Monday 28 April 2014

Whats causing this lag????

  • The grid graph has problems on the current terrain
  • Instantiate = bad 
  • All units trying to reach one point

Shooting problems
- need to raycast check that unit is facing forward before shooting
- Units need to halt when in range of enemy

Weekly Goals

Ollie - i will be researching marketing methods and then creating examples of what i think the best approach for our game would be for example  banner ads etc.

 Rich - Fix lag issue

 Matt - Continue Texturing assets

 Lara - Adjust mech and wolf character textures.

Trailer progress (Ol)

Music progress and testing with storyboard

Textured assets

Trailer Research

A few trailers that show a similar style of music that's proven to be effective. These style of trailers have that sudden crescendo which increases

Forms of marketing- (Ol)

Poster- Graphic style poster that represents the mood of the game. This would go along side a more game play representational poster.


Promotional art- this includes wallpapers and other art used to create awareness of the game.

 Banner Art- This is a more controversial approach as i can be seen as irritating, meaning it will need to be done in good taste in order to work.

 Box Art-This is the last line of advertising before a customer would purchase the game so it is important that it is visually appealing and appeals to our demographic .

Sunday 27 April 2014