Friday 14 February 2014

Combat system

  • Unit now fires a projectile, rate of fire and velocity can be adjusted in editor
  • Pathfinding plugin needs to be updated to allow the unit to turn to target and then shoot
  • If hit by the projectile 30 health is removed from what ever it hits
  • health bar functionality not currently working.


     Normal Game Mode.

Second Game Mode:

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Basic textures on the temple top, asset optimized. Pillars and wolf head statue to be textured next.

Grass texture was edited to make tiling less visible, still needs slight tweaking.
Ground texture for inbetween grass and rock nees to be made for better transition, will be done for monday.

Rock texture tweaked and colour altered to go better with rock texture

Monday 10 February 2014

Weekly Goals 10/02/14-14/02/14

Rich - Working on the combat system: switch to raycast method to determine if a unit is within range, sort out the actions for when an enemy unit is within range(attacking).

Lara - Continue work on Idle and Firing animations.

Ollie - Continuing with tiled textures, texture wolf main base. Start looking into how we're going to light the level and what shaders we will be using.

Matt - Finalize in game HUD

Combat System update

Can now determine if enemy unit is within range
May need to switch to raycasting method so that unit is only within range if an object is not blocking it.
Once within range need to need to turn to target and attack using projectiles.
If projectiles hit enemy units collision then remove certain amount of health.


Testing Tiled textures in Unity

Noticeable seams show up on the grass texture 

Wolf Ornament

Tileable textures