Friday 18 October 2013

Cleaned up mech roughs and weaponry thumbnails (darren)

Here is a quick post showing the progress on my mech and mech weaponry designs. As of so far I still have two thumbnails I wish to explore for the overall mech designs with colour variations still waiting to be done. This I'm aiming to do over the weekend. As for the weapons I still have a fair amount to explore to make them both interesting and consistent with the mech designs they will be placed on.

Research Mayan Clothing :Lara:

Unit creation inside unity

Multiple units can be created from one building by adding the name of the prefab to the actions method in the buildings own script (In this case MechFactory). The prefabs also need to be added to the GameObjectList which keeps track of all the units and buildings within the game.

Button in Unity

Here's an example of a few button you'll typically see on a start menu.

Here is the code:

function OnGUI()
    GUI.Button(Rect(710, 175, 300, 100), "Start Game");
    GUI.Button(Rect(710, 325, 300, 100), "Options");
    GUI.Button(Rect(710, 475, 300, 100), "Quit");

I used java to create this code. It's simple it contains the co-ordinates to where the buttons will go on the map and the title.

Here is a working menu in Unity, as I scroll above the titles the title will turn to red.

Here is the Script:

function OnMouseEnter(){;

function OnMouseExit(){

The Start Game and Options button are working.

When I click on the Start Game you will be taken to a different scene where there's a cube on it's own.

In options you feel see a menu
that looks like this:

I have used the same code as my main menu to highlight the headings.

I have made use of the Help button and I'll be able to implement working buttons on the rest of the Headings to with ease.

This is the normal script I've used for the working buttons:

var isOptions=false;

function OnMouseEnter(){;

function OnMouseExit(){

function OnMouseUp(){
    if (isQuit==true) {
    else {


Thursday 17 October 2013

Other inspirations for new designs (darren)

Here is a quick post outlining some of the inspirations I explored to generate the thumbnails I have previously posted and the clean up roughs I am currently generating. Some of these images I found myself and others were informed and shown to me by group members in fellow groups. As mentioned in a previous post the intention of these images were to inspire different shape designs for mechs than those I had previously explored. The second set of examples being a good source for understanding fully how to generate a mech design with only simple details and the silhouette to design with. Along with this are some of the real-world animal references I have been using to generate all of the design work I have posted on this blog and while I initially forgot to post those images below. I decided to include in this post.

Gundam Wing


Real World Sources