Friday 25 October 2013

Final Mech_design_weapons

Here is a quick post showing off the final mech class's look and some weapons that I have started to design for them to diversify the classes from each other more.

GUI Design

This week I have created a eye catching menu screen.

Last week I worked on how to get the coding right for the menu and this week I have moved away from a basic looking GUI and now added texture's to it.

These designs are just rough ideas, and to show that I tested implementing my own buttons I have created.

I created my own background for the GUI, it's a digital painted map of our universe.

Example of Single Player menu button in photoshop:

I also made a Options and Exit button in Photoshop.

Here are my buttons imported into Untiy as well as my background I created.

Here is my button with the function of highlighting the object your mouse hover over. 

Quick Video:

Practicing creating a Sound Slider:

More of an in depth look at a menu layout:

Drag Selection Test 1

  • When the LMB is held down it draws a marquee box from the origin point where the user first clicked to the current position of the mouse
  • Currently only works on cubes in unity and changes there colour
  • Need to connect it the currentlySelected states of the human players units

Implementation of Particle Systems for Unit Selection

  • This is done by editing the Unit.cs script and adding a particle system when the state currentlySelected = true
  • This can create a much more dynamic and visually appealing effect
  • Provides a lot of options for customization inside the particle system

Unit Rally Point for Buildings

  • The rallypoint is represented by a flag but could be replaced by any mesh or particle system.
  • It works by enabling or disabling the mesh renderer for the object, enabled only when the building is selected and belongs to the human player.
  • The user can then click the rally button in the HUD and select any area on the defined "Ground" plane to set the rally point. This is achieved by using raycast like that used by the unit selection.
  • When a unit is created it spawns at the spawnPoint of the building and moves to the rallyPoint with the same attributes(movement speed, rotates speed) as defined in the units attributes.

Game Mechanics Outline

What needs to be coded

  • Drag selection for units
    • Marquee box implemented, need to connect the effects of selecting a unit to   Rect.Contains
  • Unit movement on meshes that aren’t just planes
    • Will need to make use of unitys built in pathfinding tools like navmesh
    • Collision detection should also be implemented at this stage to stop units ghosting through buildings and also each other
    • Create a test scene first then implement on a refined blockout of the level which contains the major obstacles
    • Unit movement when selecting and moving multiple units needs to be tested as well
  • Combat system for units
    • Shooting mechanics for 2 of the 3 classes should include 3 main properties
      • Range
      • Rate of Fire
      • Damage per shot (also look at damage per second)
    • Will need to ensure that units can’t shoot through objects as a shortcut to attacking a unit e.g through the corner of a temple
    • Melee class will be similar but without the range
    • Other attributes like movement speed and rotate speed are already implemented but need to be defined for each class
  • Ensure that units are balanced, START playtesting protocol
    • Essential to create fun gameplay
    • Will require extensive testing to make sure combat triangle is functional and no one class is overpowered
    • Look into ways that the two teams can be differentiated without having and a negative effect on gameplay
  • Implement capturable points that generate resources
    • Will likely be done through triggers that require the player to have a controller within its radius for a certain amount of time
  • Make units cost certain amount of players resources
    • Define how much each unit should cost
    • Determine whether all units should cost the same
  • Refine camera controls
    • Improve the camera controls to make it more smooth
    • Look into some sort of battle camera (See Rome 2 Battle camera)
    • See what is most easy to use whilst also giving a lot of control to players

  • Implement population limit preventing players creating 100s of units
    • Figure out of how many units would be to many for the map
    • Make sure pop cap doesn’t unsettle balance
  • Add fog of war
    • Determine whether it adds or detracts from the strategic gameplay
    • Work out how easy it is to implement with Line of Sight characteristics of units
  • Implement basic AI
    • Research into effective AI in Unity…
    • Create a master AI that can make decisions like a human
    • Implement master AI
    • Master AI becomes self aware
    • Master AI spreads like a virus and infects all interconnected computer devices
    • Master AI determines human race as a threat and launches nuclear missiles at human populations
    • Human race is decimated
    • Only a few of us survive
    • We are the resistance

Thursday 24 October 2013

practicing hand painted rock textures

designs desaturated (darren)

Here is just a quick post showing more desaturated versions of each of the design sheets just in case the other posts that I have made are too saturated in terms of colour.

last two sets of final design colour passes (darren)

Here is a quick post showing the progress on the final two designs I planned to explore this week in terms of colour variation. I do have some concerns that they are too saturated with colour and I have made attempts to de saturate them while still retaining some of the impact of the colour.

Light, Ranged and Heavy :FINAL: :Lara:

This is at last the four colour and armour we decided to come up making them suitable for a variety of combat weapons we are planning to use.

First we decided to change the fur colour to a darker redish colour instead of having the sandy fur because it appears to similar to some materials of aztec armour. The armour colour we decided on would have to be not too similar to the steel blue some of the robots will have. I will draw a complete turnaround reference sheet for the armours soon.

colourschemes: Heavy :Lara:

Big Colour comparison sheet :Lara:

in comparison to the brighter set of fur we usually focused on it was easier to decide on a colour like this.

Darker set :Lara:

Model sheet for obelisk

Wednesday 23 October 2013

colour variants mech design 3 (darren)

Here is a quick post showing the colour variants of the third final mech design. The fourth of which will be posted later tomorrow. 

final block out screenshots

Final level concept

Final three pencil clean ups and colour explorations (darren)

Here is a quick post showing the last three designs I'm considering for to be experimented with colour along with another set of colour experiments with my second final design. I have also included a sheet of mech feet designs as this was an area I was struggling with a bit as I was generating my final pencil clean up designs.

Clean-up Designs

Feet Rough Sketches

Mech Design 2 Colour Variants

Below is the progress of the third design I'm going to colour experiment with. This being the stage that I generate it's digital inked outline which is almost complete.