Friday 25 October 2013

Game Mechanics Outline

What needs to be coded

  • Drag selection for units
    • Marquee box implemented, need to connect the effects of selecting a unit to   Rect.Contains
  • Unit movement on meshes that aren’t just planes
    • Will need to make use of unitys built in pathfinding tools like navmesh
    • Collision detection should also be implemented at this stage to stop units ghosting through buildings and also each other
    • Create a test scene first then implement on a refined blockout of the level which contains the major obstacles
    • Unit movement when selecting and moving multiple units needs to be tested as well
  • Combat system for units
    • Shooting mechanics for 2 of the 3 classes should include 3 main properties
      • Range
      • Rate of Fire
      • Damage per shot (also look at damage per second)
    • Will need to ensure that units can’t shoot through objects as a shortcut to attacking a unit e.g through the corner of a temple
    • Melee class will be similar but without the range
    • Other attributes like movement speed and rotate speed are already implemented but need to be defined for each class
  • Ensure that units are balanced, START playtesting protocol
    • Essential to create fun gameplay
    • Will require extensive testing to make sure combat triangle is functional and no one class is overpowered
    • Look into ways that the two teams can be differentiated without having and a negative effect on gameplay
  • Implement capturable points that generate resources
    • Will likely be done through triggers that require the player to have a controller within its radius for a certain amount of time
  • Make units cost certain amount of players resources
    • Define how much each unit should cost
    • Determine whether all units should cost the same
  • Refine camera controls
    • Improve the camera controls to make it more smooth
    • Look into some sort of battle camera (See Rome 2 Battle camera)
    • See what is most easy to use whilst also giving a lot of control to players

  • Implement population limit preventing players creating 100s of units
    • Figure out of how many units would be to many for the map
    • Make sure pop cap doesn’t unsettle balance
  • Add fog of war
    • Determine whether it adds or detracts from the strategic gameplay
    • Work out how easy it is to implement with Line of Sight characteristics of units
  • Implement basic AI
    • Research into effective AI in Unity…
    • Create a master AI that can make decisions like a human
    • Implement master AI
    • Master AI becomes self aware
    • Master AI spreads like a virus and infects all interconnected computer devices
    • Master AI determines human race as a threat and launches nuclear missiles at human populations
    • Human race is decimated
    • Only a few of us survive
    • We are the resistance

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