Sunday 10 November 2013

Model progress and light weapon design (darren)

Here is a quick post of the progress of work produced from wednesday 6th to friday the 8th of last week. In these three days I rebuilt the mech torso to make it easier for me to understand how to piece the arching sections of the torso near the shoulders. Whilst doing this I found it easier to eliminate 300 polygons and detail which weren't necessarily needed and couldn't be seen from the rough idea I had of the camera distance. I have also been generating several more light weapon designs in three stages which are

rough paint blockout

simplified line work

colour paintover

The generation of heavy weapons has also begun but only in silhouette form.
In feedback on the 8th it was highlighted to me that further detail could be removed from the model which may not be seen from the game camera. The model also looks quite blocky still with a fair amount of poly's not contributing to the shape of the model. The actual act of movement of the model is also not quite understood so importance needs to be placed to accentuate certain features to better convey the understanding of movement.

 Over the course of today sunday I am going to experiment with the silhouette to generate different shapes for the back in photoshop. I also need to reposition the parts of the model to creature a more dynamic standing pose, as the model was criticised on the friday for being too straight, stiff looking and looking like it had lost a bit of its character from the transfer from 2-D to 3-D

Design Process

Rough Paint Blockout

Simplified Line Work

Colour Paint Over

Mech Progress

Futher Light Weapon Designs and Heavy Weapon Silhouettes


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