Tuesday 5 November 2013

Model progress rebuild and clean up (darren)

Here is a quick post showing the progress of the melee mech model. Over the course of the day I haven't made much progress on the mech model. This has been down to struggling to understand how to piece the torso pieces together and the necessary rebuilding which I have done to tackle the cleaning up of the geometry in those areas and making it easier for me to understand how to connect the areas I have struggled with together. For the most part the torso is close to completion and I'm predicting the only other area I will have problems with is the hands. I have also explored some quick weapon designs through a mixture of silhouettes, line work and painting. I need to collect some more research on different weapons that resemble what I thought would be appropriate for each class to enable the rough weapon shapes to take on more form. Below is all the work I listed above.

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